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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mom's Day Out!!!

Today was a BIG day...I had my first "weinnie mom" moment.
We are very grateful to be apart of a wonderful Southern Baptist Church...it is almost 3 years old. So things are hopping and growing. Today started our church's Mom's Day Out Program.
They had been "getting ready" since March by doing a one day, once a month 9-12a.m, for just church members. It was basically Connor and his best buds Eli, Wesley and Brac in a room together. Today started the "real thing" though. I had really had mixed emotions...it is offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 9-1. We registered and signed Connor up for just Tuesdays. We prayed about it and made sure it was the right timing and best thing for him. (and me)Today came and we headed off. Brad followed us there. We took pics, videoed and made it a special event...although to Connor he was just excited to go to church. He calls it his "class". As I left him I did do a little tearing( not full fledged crying)...can my baby really be 2 and starting a "program". I did enjoy the 4 hours of grocery shopping alone, picking up the house in silence, and running a few errands. I did feel like the moms who I used to see every year dropping their kids off at school and booo hooing. Thank goodness I didn't go that far and we have a few more years before "school" comes. Connor had an AWESOME day! I know he is where he is suppose to be. I sucked it up like a big momma should do and know I will enjoy and am blessed to have this time to "get some things done" without a 2year olds help!


  1. Love that sweet boy! I am so glad he had a good day! I hate we were not there, but we will be there prob. both days next week! It is so tough to watch our babies growing so fast....just can't figure out where this time is going! Connor is a sweetie, and I am so glad he and Wesley are buddies!

  2. I feel your pain!! Jackson will start 3 year preschool in the fall, and I don't know if we (meaning me) are ready!!! :)
