Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mother's Day Out

Sooo...our church has started its own Mother's Day Out program. They did like a trial run this summer for just church members and I did a pretty good job of getting Connor there. We did just ease into it going once a week for almost 6 different weeks. It was more for me to get used to it than Connor.
This past week the "real deal" started. Connor goes every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. His teacher is Mrs "Shhherree" (Sherrie) and we already love her! He and his friend Eli are in the same class together. They did a good job posing for a first day picture together, since Connor was to shy to do it by himself. I'm all excited for Connor and this opportunity. We'd always said that he wouldn't start anything until he was 3 but how registration and timing falls just a few months will hopefully benefit him instead of holding out until officially 3. You know as parents you almost always end up changing some of your string-willed mind and plans.

We treated ourselves to breakfast at Starbucks because we both love it and haven't had it in such a long time. I love that my son will share a berry muffin or pumpkin loaf with me!!

Connor's first week was wonderful! He truly loves Mrs. Sherry and she loves him. He is in a small class of 6. They are already learning their curriculum. He loves eating his lunch there,too.

On the mom side of it, I am handling the first week real well because I had sooo many different things to help get done. Literally on Tuesday I was able to run in and out of FIVE stores hunting down specific things for our Church's Mom's group called Common Ground and the preschool nursery. How amazing to be able to "run in and out"!! I haven't done that in sooo long. I know that I will enjoy being able to schedule my shopping and errands now on "Connor's School days".

Although, I must admit the fact that he is growing up soo fast is hard to swallow and hold back all the mixed emotions.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Football Season is HERE!!

"GO BULLYs!!" is Connor's cheer.
He is ever ready for this new football season. He has and will continue to go to all the home games with us. This year's season opener was FUN! We met Grandmomma and Grandpa there. Daddy sadly had to watch at home on t.v. due to work schedule.
Besides the rain, it was a BLAST!! This is Connor waiting paitiently on the ramp while the rain still fell. GREAT to have a win! I don't think I've ever been at a MSU game where people left because we were winning!!!

Before the game we ate at the yummy
Mug Shots...kids bugers for us all!

Connor knows the new coach is "Dan the Man". He still loves to spot Bully and thinks that he is always waving at him. He still likes the band and fight song. He can hum it all by himself with a "GO STATE" at the end. He truly does watch and pay attention.

There was a heated moment on the big screen that caught Connor's attention where obviously the coach was not happy with a player getting a penalty and he was "letting him have it on the sidelines" Connor asked, "What's wrong , Mommy?" I simply responded with the coach is saying, "Go sit down, not playing anymore". Connor replied, "oh, yeah, he got in trouble"
Connor retold this tiny event of the game many times...especially to daddy. Soo funny where his little mind is now a days!?!?!

Connor does know a whole lot about football thanks to his parent's teachings and a fabulous board book that we read. It came out a few times during the game to be read.

As usual, Connor had his nap in the middle of the game...snuggled up close with his football and stinky, wet, sweaty momma!

Even though there was not alot of time for "playing". Connor did get a little chance to throw the football around with Grandpa and Uncle Robert.

After the game we ate at our favorite Little Doey's. Connor chomped down on shrimp and corn on the cob...he even shared a cookie. He had worked up a BIG appetite after such an exhausting time at the game.

THANKS Grandmomma and Grandpa for such a FUN first football game!!! (It truly was Grandmomma's FIRST football game EVER!! We hope to get her at many more now!)

Monday, September 7, 2009

oh my bath time

Connor has always looked forward to bath time...really at every age of his life now. I know the days will come when he refuses to bathe and even probably lies about being clean. I just know that water, bath, bubbles, toys are HIS thing!! He can't wait to get in. He would stay in there forever. He never wants to get out. Sometimes I have to count start counting to 3 to get him to even stand up to get out. Pretty fun how something soo improtant can be soo much fun!
Connor has real dolphin swimming goggles from his Grandpa he likes to bathe with.

Connor had his first "mud bath" last week...a really cute bath set by crayola.

Connor even has a bath construction set to make bath time last even longer!