Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, October 31, 2009


O.K. I must confess that I have not posted anything in such a long time for may reasons.

Here are a few of Connor's costume pics. He chose a lion this year and he is SUCH a great one!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mother's Day Out

Sooo...our church has started its own Mother's Day Out program. They did like a trial run this summer for just church members and I did a pretty good job of getting Connor there. We did just ease into it going once a week for almost 6 different weeks. It was more for me to get used to it than Connor.
This past week the "real deal" started. Connor goes every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. His teacher is Mrs "Shhherree" (Sherrie) and we already love her! He and his friend Eli are in the same class together. They did a good job posing for a first day picture together, since Connor was to shy to do it by himself. I'm all excited for Connor and this opportunity. We'd always said that he wouldn't start anything until he was 3 but how registration and timing falls just a few months will hopefully benefit him instead of holding out until officially 3. You know as parents you almost always end up changing some of your string-willed mind and plans.

We treated ourselves to breakfast at Starbucks because we both love it and haven't had it in such a long time. I love that my son will share a berry muffin or pumpkin loaf with me!!

Connor's first week was wonderful! He truly loves Mrs. Sherry and she loves him. He is in a small class of 6. They are already learning their curriculum. He loves eating his lunch there,too.

On the mom side of it, I am handling the first week real well because I had sooo many different things to help get done. Literally on Tuesday I was able to run in and out of FIVE stores hunting down specific things for our Church's Mom's group called Common Ground and the preschool nursery. How amazing to be able to "run in and out"!! I haven't done that in sooo long. I know that I will enjoy being able to schedule my shopping and errands now on "Connor's School days".

Although, I must admit the fact that he is growing up soo fast is hard to swallow and hold back all the mixed emotions.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Football Season is HERE!!

"GO BULLYs!!" is Connor's cheer.
He is ever ready for this new football season. He has and will continue to go to all the home games with us. This year's season opener was FUN! We met Grandmomma and Grandpa there. Daddy sadly had to watch at home on t.v. due to work schedule.
Besides the rain, it was a BLAST!! This is Connor waiting paitiently on the ramp while the rain still fell. GREAT to have a win! I don't think I've ever been at a MSU game where people left because we were winning!!!

Before the game we ate at the yummy
Mug Shots...kids bugers for us all!

Connor knows the new coach is "Dan the Man". He still loves to spot Bully and thinks that he is always waving at him. He still likes the band and fight song. He can hum it all by himself with a "GO STATE" at the end. He truly does watch and pay attention.

There was a heated moment on the big screen that caught Connor's attention where obviously the coach was not happy with a player getting a penalty and he was "letting him have it on the sidelines" Connor asked, "What's wrong , Mommy?" I simply responded with the coach is saying, "Go sit down, not playing anymore". Connor replied, "oh, yeah, he got in trouble"
Connor retold this tiny event of the game many times...especially to daddy. Soo funny where his little mind is now a days!?!?!

Connor does know a whole lot about football thanks to his parent's teachings and a fabulous board book that we read. It came out a few times during the game to be read.

As usual, Connor had his nap in the middle of the game...snuggled up close with his football and stinky, wet, sweaty momma!

Even though there was not alot of time for "playing". Connor did get a little chance to throw the football around with Grandpa and Uncle Robert.

After the game we ate at our favorite Little Doey's. Connor chomped down on shrimp and corn on the cob...he even shared a cookie. He had worked up a BIG appetite after such an exhausting time at the game.

THANKS Grandmomma and Grandpa for such a FUN first football game!!! (It truly was Grandmomma's FIRST football game EVER!! We hope to get her at many more now!)

Monday, September 7, 2009

oh my bath time

Connor has always looked forward to bath time...really at every age of his life now. I know the days will come when he refuses to bathe and even probably lies about being clean. I just know that water, bath, bubbles, toys are HIS thing!! He can't wait to get in. He would stay in there forever. He never wants to get out. Sometimes I have to count start counting to 3 to get him to even stand up to get out. Pretty fun how something soo improtant can be soo much fun!
Connor has real dolphin swimming goggles from his Grandpa he likes to bathe with.

Connor had his first "mud bath" last week...a really cute bath set by crayola.

Connor even has a bath construction set to make bath time last even longer!

Monday, August 31, 2009

20 years BBC

This Sunday Bro. Bob and Mrs. Patsy celebrated 20 years in service at Brownsville Baptist Church. I can vividly remember wearing a black gingham sheep sundress and coming to a meet the pastor fellowship 20 years ago. I do remember not being very happy about the actual move. I was starting 7th grade and nervous. As in any journey, there are ups and downs, highs and lows. I am ever grateful to Brownsville Baptist Church for my upbringing, support, memories, growth and beautiful wedding. To think its been 20 years really does make me see that TIME FLIES!!! What a beautiful church, body of Christ, and memories I will always hold dear.I am ever soo proud of the BEST Father and Pastor I will ever know. I am highly biased and prejudice. Even being under several other "great" pastors...MY POPS is TOPS!
I am soo proud of you daddy! All your sermons, ministry, service, leadership, guidance, shepherding, loving, caring, passion and growth.
Great job, mom, being soo supportive and perservering for well over 20 years now.
I love you two soo much and was soo glad we could be there to honor you and your 20 year celebration. Many heavenly jewels await your crown! Keep on keeping on at BBC!

Connor did get to reunite with his friend Kaylee. They enjoyed playing together while everyone else mingled, talked, ate and celebrated. This is his buddy at Big Bob's church...she's the minister of music's daughter.

Me and My CUZ!

Connor has a CUZIN!
Baby Carson and Connor got to be together for the first time since he was born. We were all together for Brad and Matt's birthday this past weekend.
Connor LOVES Carson and did a GREAT job! He "played" with him, held him, sang to him, read to him, fed him and kissed him ALOT!It was lots of really sweet FUN!


Daddy's birthday was Thursday! We have been having MUCH birthday FUN!We woke him up to Krispie Kream donuts with candles!We gave him a new cd to listen to.We met him for lunch at McAllister's and gave him "happies".We met Mimi, Big Bob, Jake, D and Laura at Swanky's for birthday dinner and presents. We had made chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing and Mimi brought an Oreo cake-YUMMY!

I gave daddy "golfballs"-which I had been wispering to him all week because its a secret. Luckily we had daddy fooled because he really got an indoor golf ball set and a round of golf at a new course here in Memphis. He got new movies to watch, a new cd to listen to and tailgating stuff for the Bulldogs! We love BRAD and had a great day celebrating him.

Friday night we drove to Jackson to be with family. Brad has twin brother Matt so we always have a fun birthday party all together. We had a movie themed party-The Lion King. It was fun and daddy got lots of great gifts. I always love being with family and playing at Grandmomma and Grandpa's house. This time I got to "play" with baby Carson. I love him!

We had a SUPER time celebrating Daddy and Matt. Fun Fun time!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We love you!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ready for rain

Connor has been wanting a monkey umbrella for over a year now...he mentions it randomly
Grandmomma recently found him a monkey raincoat...without ever knowing we were wanting a monkey umbrella. That led to finding the matching umbrella at our target store. He is the funniest all decked out playing inside with his umbrella! Hopefully in the rainy season we will put this to GREAT use but for now we just play "dress up" inside. Now if we could find matching monkey rainboots!?!?!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer Visit to "Jackson Family"

Connor and I have tried to start taking a week to visit family in the summer time. Last summer we spent 1 week with each side of the family and had a blast...This summer our week in Jackson was a little altered due to my mom's heath. Thank you everyone who prayed and was concerned. Hopefully she is on the road to GREAT recovery.
So our FULL week was not truly a FULL week...but it was jammed packed with FUN!

We have Brad's side of the family living in the Jackson area...I say that because I don't think any of their actual addresses are Jackson. We've got Terry, Raymond, Brandon, etc.
We stayed of course at Grandmomma and Grandpa's house...i call out in the "stix"!
We visited the Natural Science Museum, did some outlet shopping in Vicksburg, shopping of course around Jackson, painting at Harry the Potter, playing with all the fun toys at Grandomma & Grandpa's house, and eating out at some of our favorites!! (my awesome Father-in-Law truly understands my passion and deep love for Dairy Queen and always takes me there! Girl Scout Mint Blizzard--YUM YUM!!) We did get to spend some great quality time with all our relatives...I hope and pray that Connor holds these memories dear to his heart. Going to Grandparent's and family for visits can be such sweet times. I love and cherish all the time we spent there last week. While I won't bore you with all the details-here are the highlights.THANK you precious family!! We love you MUCH!! Never enough time when we come-no matter how long we are there!

This is "GREAT Gran". She and Connor and I ate at a cool ole homecookin place (Trace Grill) where she learned of Connor's love for fried okra.(Of which she then made a batch for him before we went home.)She helped read and put him down for his nap in this pic.

Connor with Pappaw and Memaw. It was actually close to Papaw's bday...so we took him his annual gift of goo-goo bars and a "miskelly" gift card (McAllister's really)
Memaw pulled out really cool cars for Connor to play with this time. He still likes to line everything up like a train.

We met Aunt Vickie and Grandpa one morning at the Natural Science museum where we all had a GREAT time! Lots of cool animals.Connor added a baby turtle to his own personal animal collection from the gift shop.Go if you can...VERY NICE!

Shopping in Vicksburg was way successful for Connor...lots of new clothes and a brand new MONKEY!! Hoping maybe to replace luvie monkey with this "toddler version". Connor is into lemons now a days and Grandmomma let him have hers at McAllisters where we refueled before more shopping!!

We met Grandpa and Aunt Vickie again- this time for painting!! FUN time by all!! Connor took some lessons from the ever talented Vickie who taught him squiggle lines and dots. Hopefully all our pieces will turn out as masterful as we expect!!

Saturday morning before we left Connor had hours of BOY fun in the yard...DIRT PILE and WATER HOSE!!!

O.K. This trip REALLY could've been called "cookie visit"...If you know me well, you know that we don't do much "Sweets" with Connor. But this trip was all about COOKIES!!

Connor needed to go "potty" while at Beagel Bagel...as we walked to the restrooms...he says, "momma, I see a thing that can be GREAT dessert for us". Sure enough he spotted a super cool flower cookie. He was quite nice to share (as always) a petal each to Grandmomma and me.

Grandpa taught Connor how to eat Oreo's:

While Primo's has great food...their desserts are by far the best thing about going there. Connor chose a SUPER HUGE cookie covered in sprinkles that he could not even come close to eating "all gone". We did bring daddy his favorites home as a treat from here.

We even made our own ice cream sandwhich cookies...of which connor called ice cream pigs. LOTS of fun and tasted GREAT! Might have to start making this a tradition!!